Monday, May 26, 2014

How to get known on YouTube? - 1

I want to get about 100 subs fast by playing minecraft, but my videos will hardly get any views; only about 5. Since I'm a girl, I am assuming it is harder to get subs. I am not one of those girls who hold COD ghosts up to their breasts and take a picture saying "I'm a girl and i play games", but most of the time i am worrying that they are going to scratch the disk, heh.
I haven't tried advertising on popular channels like CaptainSparklez or TheDiamondMinecart because of all the hateful people on YouTube. I just bought a good quality microphone two days ago, and i am looking for a cheap editing software. All I want is more views. Any suggestions?

Read more: How to get known on YouTube? - 1