Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Is It Legal To Add Things From Movies/Books/Games/Songs/etc. In Video Games?

For example, when the developers for the video game Borderlands 2 added in Minecraft and Dark Souls easter eggs, did they have to check if it was alright to use them?
If not, was it still legal to add them?
It seems that they might have been considered parodies in that game, but what if they aren't?
Is it legal?
In two other games, Fallout 3 and Demon's Souls, there were some H.P. Lovecraft-inspired things, such as the Dunwich building (which was part of a side quest) and The Old One (which was an antagonist) respectively, featured in a non-parodic manner.

Now, I don't mean copying them straight over, I mean something like the Ebony Blade in Skyrim (which seemed to be inspired by the Black Blade/Stormbringer, yet looked different and had a slightly different name)

So, what is and isn't legal concerning adding things to a video game from other sources?

Thanks beforehand.

Read more: Is It Legal To Add Things From Movies/Books/Games/Songs/etc. In Video Games?