Here is the Mod I'm trying get. Http://
This will be my very first mod I tied to add to the game. I been looking videos up on youtube about adding mods. Best thing saw was this web site called skydaz. Here video that talked about the skydaz site and how you download/install mods
I went though it all and it added it for me. The game dosen't start with the mod and there is nothing on my start up screen that says anything about mods I got added. Here link of how my start up screen looks if it helps. Http://
Looking how turn mods on I came across Run> %appdata% > .minecraft > mod > (mod name) edit with note pad and chaging somthing from flase to ture. Well I can't do that because when I do I get bunch of random text I can't read. Its because its a.jar file…
What am I doing wrong?
Name of my file herobrinemod-148.jar
Using latest version of MineCraft
-Using Window 7 computer-
Added (1).
Read more: Minecraft: Can't turn on my mod or use them?