I played this when I was 7 on my old computer that was lost in time and now I wanna play it! Heres all I remember about the game:
Its a building game (not roblox or minecraft and its not online you need to download it) it has a limited amount of blocks you can use you need to pay some money to get the full game. It has a few worlds, I remember there was one in a bedroom you were very small! And the game had some pre-built stuff you could place like a house with a drivable jeep next to it with its garage, it also had a huge castle but you needed to pay for that. It had also a flying jeep and you could fly it in the bedroom! I don't remember if it had multiplayer…
The game didn't have any crafting or digging it was just build build build (pay) build build build! (it was a one-time fee:P)
Another thing I remember, is how I found it. I searched "cool games" and this was Way back when google searches were not one collume but two, so it was the first one on the right side! Jesus I remember this kinda crap but not the name of the game…
Any ideas? If you wanna try to spring my memory post some questions that might make me remember some core aspects of the game
It also had a LONG AS HELL tutorial!
Read more: What is the name of this game?