I've never played MMOs beyong Minecraft multiplayer (which arguably even classifies), and was wondring if Dota 2 is something that would be bad to get into. I've heard a lot of good things about it, but I have also read a lot about MMOs, especially competetive ones like DOTA, WOW and Runescape, being extremely addictive and taking up many hours of other people's lives to the point of ruin. Granted, any video game, even some of the ones I play, which are mostly single-payer with multiplayer options, can do that, but I seem to see a destinct many cases of extreme addiction in relevance to MMOs.
My question: It seems fun, but I also have, you now, a life, and school, and many other hobbies. Is an MMO even capable of being played by a solely-casual gamer like moi? Or will it probably suck me in to the point of taking up hours of my time.
Thanks in Advance:D
Read more: How Addicting Is Dota 2? Should I Do It?