Saturday, November 15, 2014

Why do people disrespect the NES and the classics?

I am about to break a persons jaw and remake every scene is seen from hostile. If I see one more person say something to the affect of "NES sucked, who plays them games still, new games are way better." it makes me want to gently put someone in a sleeper hold until they turn blue and die. Because honestly its disrespect. It pisses on my legacy. And my little nephew makes fun of my nes, the kid should have been body slammed a long time ago. He doesn't respect the classics that paved the way for his 5 pound blue ray contraptions. The NES and the SNES paved the way and they made gaming what it is today. Without them it would have fallen off back in the 80s and gamign would still be arcades. Nothing more. NES saved household gaming. The games are timeless and legendary. Minecraft? Call of duty? World of Warcraft? Are you mad? These games are trash compared to the likes of Zelda and Mario 3 and punchout and chrono trigger and donkey kong classics and orcarina of time ect… Kids just don't get it. The best games of all time were made for N64 And nes. Mario 3 and orcarina of time. I get that its opinionated but has some respect and decency. You are insulting the fathers the respect legends of gaming. As a gamer it offends me to see people be so oblivious to it all and not realize the impact these systems has and what they did for the gaming world. How these games shaped the culture. Just remember without NES minecraft would exist and neither would console gaming.
Added (1). Holy grammatical errors. Sorry about that everyone but hey I typed fast and angrily.

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