Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Should i get a mac for gaming?
So i have decided to save money for a good computer for not only the photography and other productive stuff thati like to do, but also game(mainly CS-GO, minecraft accasionally with shaders and other stuff, League of Legends, and other steam games). I have always been interested in the mac OS-X and i ma really interested in trying out a mac. So should i save up for a decent gaming pc or a mac. Mac specs: 2.9GHz Processor
1 TB Storage
2.9GHz quad-core Intel Core i5
Turbo Boost up to 3.6GHz
8GB (two 4GB) memory
1TB hard drive1
NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M with 1GB video memory
This mac would cost about $1,500. Should i buy a gaming pc for that price or a mac? (I know that macs are not really known for gaming, i just want to know if games would run about as good as they would on a pc) Thanks!
Read more: Should i get a mac for gaming?