Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Does anyone else get Summer Break blues?
So I've been on summer break from middle school for just over a month now, and am about to start high school. For the first few days, break was bliss, and I spent it just lounging in my dark room (I live near Los Angeles, so I close my blinds so it doesn't get hot in my room) playing Xbox and watching stuff on Netflix. But about a week or so in, I just started feeling really down. Idk why, it just came so suddenly. I was getting in the shower when I just start panicking. There is literally nothing causing me any kind of stress right now, but I just started panicking, and ever since, I haven't felt like my lively, funny, gently sarcastic self. Nothing helps, all my hobbies are quickly vanishing: Xbox is boring now, I cant think of anything to build in Minecraft, it feels like I've seen everything on Netflix, playing basketball just makes me really tired… I am a 14 year old dude, and I had a lot going on when I finished 8th grade. Maybe I'm a little bummed out about not seeing my friends on a daily basis? Also, recently, in addition to random panic attacks, I've been thinking about dying a lot. Not death itself, just simply dying. Help? I'm sorta sick of spending my time feeling sorry for myself and thinking about death all the damn time?
Added (1). And by the way, nothing I know of helps. It gets a little better when I go on Instagram and open up my blinds, but it never goes away. It's like the Grim Reaper is standing behind me whispering in my ear. I can't focus when playing Xbox, basketball, or Minecraft, and I can't relax when I'm chilling with my family and/or watching movies or TV. I'm getting really sick of this.
Added (2). And the lots of stuff going on when I finished 8th grade was all really great, happy stuff, such as finding a girl that I really really like, hanging with my squad, etc
Read more: Does anyone else get Summer Break blues?