Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Gaming computer running slow, it's like-new. Why is kind of slow?

I have recently purchased a gaming computer from newegg.com and it has pretty good specs. I will leave the specs down below. I am a graphic designer (designing graphics for the gaming community) and that's really all I have been doing. I don't really game much. I have a few games downloaded but not a whole bunch. I will list my games down below. I use this computer daily. I use Photoshop CS6 and Cinema 4D. The only daily things I do on the computer is use those two programs and use Twitter. Nothing else.

Games I have downloaded:

Combat Arms (FPS GAME)
League of Leagends (MMO GAME)
Counter Strike CS:GO (FPS GAME)
Terraria (N/A)
Minecraft (N/A

Like I said, I rarely play those games. Hardly ever really.

My question is what is wrong? How do I check the reason why it's running slow? If I can buy a part to replace, what should I buy to better my performance? I know a new processor would probably work, but I shouldn't need any more replacements as I purchased this pc about 7 months ago.

When I got my PC, it loaded everything with such swiftness. I can watch movies without it buffering out skipping. Now I can't even watch a 360p movie without it buffering and stuttering through the movie.

Here is my computer: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883229619

My internet speed is flawless

Read more: Gaming computer running slow, it's like-new. Why is kind of slow?