Friday, August 28, 2015

Copyright Takedown on YouTube?

So, I spend quite a lot of my time in an online community based on the game "Minecraft." Recently, I've discovered that one of their staff members (whose job it is to protect the community against rulebreakers and hackers) has been hacking himself. He tried his best to hide it, by filing a copyright takedown on my video which contained the proof, it was not monitized and I was not intending to make money from it. Instead of asking me kindly to take the video down, he went straight for the takedown. If I recall correctly, YouTube suggests you do that before you file a takedown. The video contained proof of his hacking and it was just over a minute long, it took a small portion from his video and that was it. I need to know if I can make a counter-notification because it has froze some of my channel features until February.

Read more: Copyright Takedown on YouTube?