Wednesday, August 26, 2015
I Need SERIOUS Technology Help?
Let's get straight to the point: I have really bad technology at my house (skip to the bottom for the question). My computer's graphics card is so crappy it can't even handle 22 games that I bought that previously worked in the past. It can only handle terraria, to the moon, and surgeon simulator. Even minecraft crashes because of my graphics card. And I only get 1 bar on my computer (keep in mind that this is a desktop with windows 7 on it). I also have a crappy monitor with a constant line to the left of the screen, but it's not that important. Even my phone is crappy as well, it has 2gb of space, rarely gets more than 3 bars and crashes more than once every day to the point I have to physically remove the battery and put it back in because it won't even turn on or off. It can't even take screenshots, add custom ringtones for contacts, and handle any app over 50mb without crashing. Lastly, my laptop's battery cant even go unplugged for 10 minutes or else it will suddenly die without warning, and my laptop doesn't even warn me that it dies or that it is losing battery life. Also, it has a very crappy processor.
My question is: How do I find a specialist that can analyze my problems and tell me how to fix them? The thing is, I can't even afford a shirt. I'm very lucky to even have technology, many people don't even get access to the internet. I'm currently studying programming and web development and a hardcore gamer/youtube gamer, so I need something to run games and such.
Read more: I Need SERIOUS Technology Help?