Monday, August 24, 2015

Minecraft won't work with 64Bit Java?

Minecraft won't work with 64Bit Java?
Added (1). Minecraft will open the launcher then close it immediately so i had 32-Bit java installed it works fine but if you have 32bit in you can use the Xmx- thing so i tried using 32Bit and 64Bit still crashes at the launcher.
Added (2). With 64Bit=Crash
With 32Bit=Works
With 32&64Bit=Crash

With the 32bit it will run and play fine but i also wanna use the Xmx.
But if you uninstall Java 32bit and install Java 64Bit it crashes right at the launcher
And in if you install 64 and 32bit java together still crashes and this little error message pops up on my desktop. And all of my drivers are uptodate.

File name: hs_err_pid1796

Read more: Minecraft won't work with 64Bit Java?