Monday, August 3, 2015
Why do kids and teenagers favor Iphones instead of Android phones?
Many android phones are cheap and are good for facebook and internet. I got my Huawei Ascend Y600 for absolutely free from my phone service. It lags sometimes but it's reliable.
-Is it because of games? Android has minecraft, terraria, the walking dead
-Is it because of facetime? B**ch please, skype?hangouts?
-Is it because of Siri? Android browsers now have a voice search feature
-Is it because of safety from viruses? Android has anti-virus softwares and IOS is pretty strict and selfish when it comes to sharing and transfering files to another device.
-And now simplicity, I know android interfaces can be confusing but you'll eventually get used to it.
Main question:
-Why do many kids and teenagers favor iphones even though they can get an android phone which is cheaper and can also do a lot of things that an Iphone can?
Read more: Why do kids and teenagers favor Iphones instead of Android phones?