Saturday, September 5, 2015

What gaming desktop is good for me?

I want to get into PC gaming but my laptop suuuuucks. I'm getting a knew desktop for Christmas (I'm 13 btw if anyone thought I was a guy in his 20's waiting for Christmas to buy a computer). I like to game but have sports and hunting I like to do too so I'm not going to spend too much time, energy, and money on a desktop. I want something that'll play Area 3, Minecraft, and other stuff too like FNAF and indie horror games. Any suggestions. I need one under $1000 and runs relatively smooth and easy. I looked at the Alienware X51 and it looks promising. But if its not very good tell me. Or if a desktop isn't very good for my game style then give other suggestions too


Read more: What gaming desktop is good for me?