Monday, March 28, 2016

How much would a gaming setup cost?

So im 16 still in school but thinking of getting a part time job.
I really wanna buy these items:
Brand new desk
Brand new black leather chair
Brand new xbox one
Brand new gaming computer
Brand new turtle beaches
Brand new 22inch plasma

Ok i know i should do my research but i dont know anything about computers. All i wanna do is play minecraft and Cod and some other cool computer games.

Also turtle beaches there is so many different types but not sure what to get.

And lastly the xbox one… How much is it gonna cost? Some friends say $600 some say $400.

Thanks alot! Btw if you already have a good gaming setup mind telling me how much yours cost?
I see all these gaming setup videos on youtube and they have a desk with 2 or 3 monitors. I want igsactly that! But probs just a plasma and monitor.
(One for xbox one for computer research and games.)

Read more: How much would a gaming setup cost?