I was cleaning up and found my old PSP 1000 system. However, I was wondering how much I could sell it for because I have no intentions of playing it anymore because after the intitial release of the Xbox 360 and PS3, I ended up with an Xbox 360. Well I ended up becoming pretty hardcore Xbox fan and just feek like PlayStation has gone down. (I'm not saying PS2 wasn't good though but that's why I'm not keeping my PSP). Anyway I was thinking about $65 total on Craigslist. $50 for the PSP and games and another $15 for the Minecraft magazine. The PSP is in great condition in that after it was charged, I was able to play it for a long time without any issues. Anyway is that too high or too low? It comes with Harry Potter games, Need for Speed, Metal Gear Solid, Assassins Creed: Bloodlines, Cars, Lego Batman, and whatever other games I bought on the PlayStation store. The Minecraft magazine is one of the best gaming magazines I've ever seen, read, and touched in my hands which is why it costs $15 but I don't really need it anymore because I've already read through it.

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