Friday, June 27, 2014

I Play Video Games 9 To 10 Hours A Day?

Im 15 years old and it's the beginning of the summer. At the last day of school i came home and the first thing i did is turn on my PlayStation 3. I played for 11 hours that day. I play call of duty and minecraft etc. Now it's close to almost 2 weeks in the summer and i find my self doing this same routine. I live in a small town on a dead end and there isn't anyone my age in the proximity of 3 blocks of where i live. The only place where my friends commonly meet up is the park. A few years back i would always be there riding my bike going in the woods and playing basketball with them, but now since there alot older the only thing there ALL( I only have 17 friends) interested in is smoking weed. I was never a smoker and i never will be simply because i cant afford it because of my blood condition. Now i stuck in a situation where if i go outside i will just get caught up with a bunch of smokers but if remain inside and keep playing the game i won't get anywhere. I thought of making a gaming youtube channel since i do play video games all day and try to turn it into something productive but it hasn't gone anywhere and i think biting off more than i could do. IDK i love videogames and i know i wont play em forever but i just need a good plan on something else to do. Not to mention i failed my classes and im heading off to summer school later into the summer. How could i change my routine? Please a gunine anwer. Quickly before i continue what im doing im addicted to call of du

Read more: I Play Video Games 9 To 10 Hours A Day?