Thursday, July 31, 2014

Gaming videos on YouTube ideas needed?

Okay so I've been doing gaming videos on YouTube for a good few years on and off on different YouTube accounts. The problem is is that when I get to a certain point. Around about 300 subs and have a good little fan bad that is around the time I run out of ideas or feel what I upload just isn't as good as it used to be. So that makes me lose motivation.

So I'm thinking of starting up my YouTube again. (Haven't uploaded in like 3 months or so).

Any ideas of series on games like bf4, minecraft, league of legends, maplestory. Games like that or any games you think would make good videos.

I plan on uploaded short videos below 5 maybe even 3 minutes to keep my viewers interested.

I already have some ideas but not a lot.
Any assistance would be great.

I have hd video and audio and I'm in need of help 😫

My YouTube name is autonyms if you wanna have a look and maybe give me some constructive criticism? My most recent videos are pointless so maybe don't watch them? 😃

Thanks in advance

Read more: Gaming videos on YouTube ideas needed?