Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I think I've found herobrine?

I and my friend (taylor) was playing minecraft for the playstation and taylor was far away from me in a desert looking for cactus,while I was in the house and I was looking down and getting something from a chest. And then I looked up and saw herobrine( he looked just like herobrine) and I thought it was taylor and I said hi, and then I stared at him fir a while and he stared at me,soon he disappeared, and taylor said " who are you talking to" and then taylor said," holy s--t,omg" and I said what and taylor said that it was herobrine and I said.so that wasn't you and taylor said no!… after a while he continued to show up and nobody else was on and if we got separated then he would show up.(after the following happened)
· Taylor turned around and saw him 3 times
·I was running around our house and saw him on the front steps staring at me
· He was on our roof and when we moved, he moved
And a lot more happened and I wanted to ask if he was real
( not that this isn't fake, and its on survival, and no mods were on and nobody else was on)

Read more: I think I've found herobrine?