My brother sits all day playing such a pointless game with no plot or story whatsoever. It angers me because this game is not good at all! Its overrated because of famous You Tubers so all these little kids
jump on to it saying some weird stupid stuff like "Butter". I am not a fan boy of COD or BF. Because I play all kinds of games and honestly this game is just… Dumb. I can only sit on it for 1 minute and get bored. I wish there was an explanation on why this game was so popular! Because if you take time to think about it, the game is a 3-D dimensional cube game with some ignorant creatures that attack you day and night. (Mostly Night from what I hear). The game would be cool if it were like "The Forrest" but this game is beyond all stupidity. So someone please explain what makes this game so hugely recommended?
Read more: Why is Minecraft so overrated?