Okay, I got a Windows 8 laptop in the mail a few days ago. I decided, "Hey, it's been awhile since I played Minecraft! Why not install it in my new laptop?" So, I did. Everything was fine, I used the latest version, (1.7.10) and pressed play. Everything loaded, and I decided to go to Options, I open it up, and I changed the first few controls. I then tried to scroll down so I can change the rest. No dice. Okay, I guess I can play with regular controls. So, I went and made a new world. I decided to exit out once it was loaded, because I wanted to install mods. Thankfully, I have experience in modding Minecraft. So, I got the newest version of Forge, downloaded it as a client, and did the mods folder and the shaderpacks folder. I got everything for shaders, and put them in. I put the shaders mod core in the mods folder and the shaderpack in the shaderpacks folder (Ironic, I know). So, I opened up the Minecraft launcher. I picked the forge profile and pressed play. Again, everything loaded up normally. I saw the writing in the left corner, saying I had mods installed, and I went to Options and found the shaders button. I click on it, and I tried clicking the shaderpack file. Nope! I tried click "none" and "interval" nothing. I can press play and everything, but selecting isn't doing anything. I tried to load the world I made earlier, and I couldn't select that either. I tried going into 1.7.9 and doing it, but nothing. Please help! >.<
Read more: Something wrong with my Minecraft?! Won't select anything?!