Friday, October 31, 2014

Is it just me or does Skrim feel like Minecraft?

I know Skyrim is old to be bringing it up now but with the new Elder Scrolls out I decided to finish Skyrim before I do. I play a good amount of Minecraft and now playing Skyrim I feel like the 2 games are really similar. Does anyone else think this?
•you're fighting monsters with swords or bows in 1st person view.
• you need to look for materials to build certain things.
• potions
• enchanting
• armor
• with Skyrim DLC you can build your own house
It doesn't seem like much but those few things play a big role in both games. Unless you're a Mage in Skyrim and use magic and robes but even then that can be like enchanting leather armor I guess.

Read more: Is it just me or does Skrim feel like Minecraft?