Saturday, May 30, 2015

Do you know this minecraft seed?

So I found this seed on, and it was probably the best seed I've ever found. I remember a good amount of info on it. I think you guys will hve to use admist or something to find it, if you'de be so kind:). The first digit was "-7" (note the NEGATIVE!). It had three sevens in a row, I believe in the middle of the seed ("777"). At the end I THINK was 659 or 609. It had the digits 6, 5, 3, 0, and 9 in it. (I hope this info is good of actual use! :D ). You should spawn in a desert. If not, a forest or plains. There should be a mesa biome around it. Not too far (few 1,000 blocks) is a mushroom island (I don't know which direction), and maybe 8,000 away somewhere is an ice spike plains biome. I hope you take the time to answer! Thanks in advance!

Read more: Do you know this minecraft seed?