Thursday, May 28, 2015

Survival RPG with crafting?

I'm looking for a new RPG to play. I want it to be survival themed, but also have a campaign of sorts, not just an optional goal like in minecraft.

I like the crafting systems in skyrim and in fallout new Vegas, where you can make your own weapons and then upgrade them with enough skill and the correct ingredients/parts.

i enjoy the idea of having to scavenge for parts that I need the create something, but also want the game to have a storyline, and not just be me hunting animals and mining things.

If it's not too much to ask, I also like being able to level up skills by either using them (like in elder scrolls) or assigning points to them (fallout).

If anyone knows any games that fit some, if not all, of these criteria, that would be helpful. For reference, some games that I really enjoy include skyrim, fallout 3 and fallout nv (especially the dead money dlc), far cry 4 (I like skinning animals for upgrades), and also assassins creed IV. Thanks in advance.

BTW I already have played minecraft, and enjoyed, but I'm not really what you would call a huge fan, so please do not include it in your suggestions.

Read more: Survival RPG with crafting?