Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I want to start a YouTube channel?!

I want to start a YouTube channel. I know I'm not going to become popular, but hey, I might someday get a few subscribers! Anyways. I'm getting a MacBook Pro, and it's going to be great for things like gaming and recording, like iMovie and stuff! So, I want to record minecraft, but unfortunately, I don't know what to use to do it? Another thing is that I want to have something to make special effects, like in some of MayBaby's videos she put in and edit things, but HOW do people do it! Then I also need a program for Photoshopping, I've seen a video on PewDiePie's channel where he uses a Photoshopping program, but what the heck is it called, and how do I get it on my computer! Sorry if this is a really nooby question, because I am a noob.

Read more: I want to start a YouTube channel?!