Monday, September 7, 2015
Can you take time off school for depression?
Say I toad my school and parents that I was depressed. Could I get like a year or two off school?
Cuz I really don't like school. It's a waste of time! I barely have time to do fun things after school, before my dad is bullying me to go to bed.
Like I got home from school at about 4. Then between 4 and now( 21:30) I only had time to run my dogs, eat, play some Minecraft for like 2 hours, read some news stories for school, shower and clean some defrosted mice tubs which my mom is screaming about.
Then my dad is telling me to go to bed. What kind of life is that?!
I'm depressed by this. I need time off school to recover my mental health
Added (1). And just now my dad come in my room saying he's not gonna tell me again to go to bed. Said next time he has to come in hes gonna (I'm not even gonna say, its just embarrassing threats to me). But nobody tells him to go to bed when he has to wake up earlier than me. He sleeps for like 4 hours only so why cant I. Going to bed at 9 is stupid. Even the babies are awake later. I can hear then making them weird meow noises. Like they cry like this- muhh, muhhh, muhhhhhh. They weird
Read more: Can you take time off school for depression?