Sunday, April 3, 2016

How to delete Youtube account?

Not so long ago I had a Nintendo 3Ds that I happened to download Youtube on and connected my gmail to it. Well I ended up getting bored with it and sold it to my uncle who has 4 kids, and he gave it to them. Apparently I had forgotten to log out of my Youtube account, and before I knew it my Youtube recommendations was FILLED with minecraft videos. His cancerous kids watched those videos All DAY, EVERY DAY, and sadly for me I used the same account so I had to deal with Youtube recommending me ExplodingTNT and other shitty minecraft channels which I had no interest in. I've tried everything, except deleting my Youtube ACCOUNT, not channel, the actual account. It's the only way for those cancerous videos to stop appearing in my feed. I've seen numerous videos on how to delete them but they're all outdated, Please, someone help!

Read more: How to delete Youtube account?