Saturday, April 16, 2016
Picking a new PC. A little help, please?
My PC is too slow, I was 13 when I got it, and just got excitted about it having a touch screen, and got the one I thought looked the coolest.
Now, I am regretting my decision, and looking for a new laptop. Here is the one I am thinking of buying now:
I'm not sure if it would actually work well, but my friend told me that I am looking for one with at least 2.0 GHz, and 4 GB of ram.
Basically, this is what I want:
- Fast for general use.
- Fast for playing games such as Minecraft.
- Easily understandable for a semi-geek.
- Cost under $500 (a bit over may be okay, I'd just have to take more time to save up…)
- be able to run a Minecraft server and still be pretty fast (not required, but would be nice)
- NO touch screen (I kinda hate touch screens now…)
Please check out the link I posted, and let me know some feedback, or give me a link to a different good laptop for what I am looking for (please do not post links to ebay or similar sites, much preferred if it is on Amazon)
Read more: Picking a new PC. A little help, please?