Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Minecraft Servers - Explained?


OK so basically i just want minecraft, and all I want to do for the moment is play with my brother who also just got the game. I just want to play on our own server (or world or whatever you call it) and just play survival mode with him working on our own little world.

So, assuming that in order to do this, i would need us to have our own server (unless theres another way of doing what i just mentioned), i proceeded to go to Google to search up how to do so, and was met with the most complicated array of **** and directions telling me to manually edit this and that in TextEdit and copy this to that program blablabla a bunch of stuff I don't understand. Is this what everyone who wants what I want had to go through?

When I enter minecraft now, and go to multiplayer - I can only either join a realm ( I have 2 options, one is like "lavacraft" the other is "hunger games" but I dont want either of those, I just want to play with my brother. It gives me the option of "add server" but I dont know what to do from thereon.

If someone could help me to figure what all this means out, it would be greatly appreciated. Just got the game and don't wanna give up and waste 30 bucks and the opportunity to play what I hear is a really fun game.

Also if "mods" have anything to do with what Im talking about, please explain those aswell.


Read more: Minecraft Servers - Explained?